What’s Luck Got to Do with It?: How Smarter Government Can Rescue the American Dream (2021)

What’s Luck Got to Do with It? combines insights from economics, philosophy, and social psychology to argue for government’s proper role in addressing the inequity of brute luck. Author Edward D. Kleinbard shows how well-designed public investment can blunt the worst effects of existential bad luck that private insurance cannot reach and mitigate inequality by sharing the costs across the entire risk pool, which is to say, all of us.
We Are Better Than This: How Government Should Spend Our Money (2015)

We Are Better Than This fundamentally reframes budget debates in the United States. Author Edward D. Kleinbard explains how the public’s preoccupation with tax policy alone has obscured any understanding of government’s ability to complement the private sector through investment and insurance programs that enhance the general welfare and prosperity of our society at large.